Chantal Milot RMT and Associates is pleased to announce that we will be re-opening our doors Monday June 1, 2020 for all in-person treatment and assessment. Vigilant infection control and social distancing will be the new normal for the time being. Below are the measures we will be implementing once we re-open:

Frequent and proper hand hygiene is expected for all therapists and patients. Therapists will wash their hands before and after each client, and will also use hand sanitizer during treatment, after coming in contact with any surface, to limit cross-contamination

The clinic has purchased a HEPA Filter, which will be in operation during working hours, as well as overnight, to filter out pathogens.

Smart sensor oil dispensers will be used during massage treatments, in order to limit cross-contamination risks.

Pillows and tables have been covered with  vinyl coverings, in order to facilitate quick clean-ups between each client.

Each room has been outfitted with 2 face cradles each, to allow us being able to sanitize, between clients, while rotating their use between each client and a disposable face cradle cover will also be used , atop the our usual face cradle covers, to provide an extra layer of protection to our clients.

Cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces and equipment after each use. Treatment bed linens will be laundered and dried on high temperature settings after each patient.

The clinic has also placed an order for 3 UV room sterilizer lights, to sterilize the entire clinic daily, several times, and quickly sterilize blankets and other surfaces, such as our chairs etc. (Please note: Uv lights have been shown to have a 99.99% sterilization rate. Also germicidal light does not produce ozone which is harmful to the human respiratory tract.)

All patients with booked appointments will be screened via email or phone for any symptoms of COVID-19.

While seats in the waiting room have been spaced out, the clinic will now only allow for 2 individuals at the same time, to be seated in the waiting room.

To ensure social distancing is possible in the waiting room, please arrive at your appointment time and if possible, arrive alone.

All therapists will don medical masks for appointments and we encourage you to wear your own mask as well.

Temperature will be taken and recorded at each appointment with a touchless thermometer,  to better ensure your safety as well as our staff’s.

Therapists will continually self-monitor ourselves for any signs of illness.

As we resume your care, rest assured that your health and wellness are considered with every decision we make. Chantal Milot and Associates will continue to be a safe, supportive, and restful space to promote healing and care. We are excited to finally welcome you back into the clinic! Please contact us at or 416-567-2896 to book an appointment or you may also now book your appointment online, at your convenience, using our online booking system.

Welcome back and see you soon!!

Chantal Milot RMT/ Clinic Owner and RMT

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