Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a comprehensive term that encompasses various massage techniques used to manipulate the body’s soft tissues for the purpose of relaxation and relieving pain and stress. Swedish massage is the foundation of massage therapy and is often combined with other techniques, such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and joint play. These techniques focus on specific areas of the body to alleviate tension and pain, improve flexibility and range of motion, and promote overall relaxation and well-being. Whether you’re looking for a gentle, relaxing massage or a more targeted approach to address specific issues, massage therapy can provide numerous benefits for both physical and mental health.

A woman relaxing with massage therapy in Toronto, surrounded by aromatic essence sticks and gentle, natural elements.
Athletic Therapy and Sports Massage Toronto

Sports Massage Therapy

Sports Massage uses similar methods of manipulating the skin, yet tends to be more focussed on sports related areas of pain. Sports massage is dedicated to improving sports performance, boosting flexibility and mobility and handling/alleviating/preventing potential injuries. Stretching is incorporated in the session, to help enhance the flushing of toxins, which may be preventing your tissues to receive the proper nutrients and restore functional length in the tissues.

This type of session, when used in an appropriate treatment plan, can improve the mobility patterns, essential for peak performance.

Deep Tissue Massage

This type of treatment focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronic aches and pains and spastic areas seen in stiff neck, upper and lower back pain, leg muscle tightness and sore shoulders. Some of the same strokes seen in classic massage therapy are used , but the movement and pressure are slower and deeper, and concentrated in the areas of tension and pain, in order to reach the deeper layers of muscles and the fascia ( the connective tissue surrounding the muscles).

This type of treatment may use Swedish massage techniques, such as trigger point therapy, assisted stretching, Active Release Technique, joint manipulation as well as deep tissue petrissage to release muscles and relieve pain.

Deep Tissue Massage
Relaxation Massage Therapy

Stress & Relaxation Massage

This relaxing therapeutic massage uses Swedish massage techniques which involve manipulation of the soft tissues – muscles, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue and joint capsules. This massage is ideal for relaxing tense muscles, easing stress and tension, and improving sleep.

In this type of session, pressure is generally kept light to moderate, unless otherwise specified, although trigger points may be treated, within the patient’s comfort level.

Neck and Shoulders Massage

The neck and shoulder massage is a relaxation massage that uses Swedish massage techniques to manipulate the soft tissues, such as muscles, ligaments, tendons, connective tissue, and joint capsules. The massage aims to relieve tension in the muscles and restore range of motion in the neck and shoulders. The massage therapist may also use Active Release Technique (ART) and trigger point therapy to release scar tissue and increase range of motion. To further enhance the benefits of the massage, stretches for the neck, pectorals, and shoulders may also be incorporated into the session, providing a longer-lasting effect. This type of massage is ideal for those who experience tension or pain in their neck and shoulders due to stress or physical activity.

neck and shoulder massage
Senior Woman Having Back Massage

Massage for Seniors

Massage therapy has numerous benefits for seniors, including pain relief, improved circulation, and increased flexibility. As we age, our muscles and joints become stiffer, leading to discomfort and limited range of motion. Regular massage can help alleviate these symptoms and improve overall mobility. Additionally, massage can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common issues among seniors. It can also boost immune function and promote better sleep, which can help seniors maintain their health and well-being. Whether it’s Swedish, deep tissue, or another technique, massage therapy is a safe and effective way to improve the quality of life for seniors.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage is performed with a a focus on the safety and comfort of the expectant mother. A soothing and therapeutic approach is taken to relieve the discomforts associated with the pregnancy, help the client relax and prevent fatigue. During this treatment, swedish massage is used and may include deep work to the neck and shoulders, lymphatic draining may be used to relieve swelling in the hands and feet, face and scalp massage to relieve headaches and foot massage may also be used, depending on each client’s needs.

Pregnancy Massage Therapy
Functional Range Assessment

Functional Range Assessment

This session is a 45 minute comprehensive analysis of your joints biomechanics, and tissue health, ideal and prescribed for anyone with any persistent or recurring joint or muscle pain, coupled with a 45 minute treatment, designed to start correcting your pain right at it’s origin, and address the causes of dysfunctional movement/coordination problems, which may cause pain, at their root. Individual protocols and exercise to create lasting results are prescribed.

Functional Range Release

Functional Range Release is an advanced soft tissue management system that is focused on the assessment, localization, and systematic treatment of soft-tissue adhesions and areas of fibrosis that typically develop as a result of injury, repetitive strain, and cumulative trauma. Unlike regular massage therapy, it focuses on the central nervous system, which governs muscle length and tension and has a greater influence on a person’s joint range of motion. By utilizing specific Tissue Tension Techniques and Progressive Angular Isometric Loading, Functional Range Release aims to expand and strengthen a patient’s functional range of motion. The system primarily focuses on influencing the central nervous system to allow for greater joint range of motion and strength, leading to the expansion of the participant’s usable and functional range of motion.

Functional Range Release
Close-up photo of a fit person displaying their toned abdomen, with hands gently pressing on the lower back as part of an osteopathy technique. They are wearing black sports attire.


Osteopathy is a form of drug-free non-invasive manual medicine that focuses on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, including the joints, muscles and spine. Its aim is to positively affect the body’s nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems.

This type of therapy is a non-invasive and holistic (whole body) approach to health care. Osteopaths do not simply concentrate on treating the problem area, but use manual techniques to balance ALL the systems of the body, to provide overall good health and wellbeing.

Much like massage therapists, osteopaths use a broad range of gentle hands-on techniques including soft tissue stretching, deep tactile pressure, and mobilisation or manipulation of joints, and can ease the pain caused by joint and muscle stiffness, by improving joint mobility and the flow of blood to the joints, and show arthritis sufferers how to prevent causing injury to themselves.

Athletic Therapy

Our Athletic Therapy service focuses on the prevention and care of musculoskeletal disorders, with a special emphasis on athletes and those engaged in physical activities. Certified by the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA), our Athletic Therapists are dedicated to providing comprehensive services that encompass injury prevention, immediate care, and ongoing rehabilitation. We offer musculoskeletal and postural evaluations, conditioning programs, taping, and adaptive techniques to prepare individuals for their specific activities. In cases of injury, our Certified Athletic Therapists excel in injury assessment, emergency support, and facilitating access to appropriate healthcare. Additionally, we design customized conditioning programs to minimize the risk of injuries and prepare individuals for a safe return to an active lifestyle. Our Athletic Therapy service addresses a wide range of conditions, including muscle sprains, sports-related injuries, postural strain, joint disorders, neurological issues, acute and chronic pain, pre and post-surgical care, and more. Trust us to support your well-being and help you achieve your physical goals.

Athletic therapy at Exrelsior Integrative Massage Therapy and Wellness, Toronto
medical acupuncture at Excelsior Integrative Toronto

Medical Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a holistic therapeutic technique that involves inserting very thin steel needles into specific acupoints along the meridians of the body. While acupuncture is most commonly associated with the use of needles, it can also be performed using acupressure techniques that manually stimulate these acupoints. Acupuncture has a variety of benefits that have been studied for over two millennia, including the management of pain, the regulation of energy flow throughout the body, and the balancing of the body’s systems. Acupuncture can also help clear inflammation, remove stagnant blood, and provide mental and physical balance, also known as “homeostasis” in Western medicine. By starting with acupuncture before manual therapy or myofascial techniques, the second part of the treatment can be more effective and longer-lasting, while also minimizing any post-treatment discomfort.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a minimally invasive treatment that can help relieve myofascial pain that has not responded to other treatments. During a dry needling session, a practitioner inserts fine stainless steel needles into trigger points or acupuncture points to stimulate the musculoskeletal system and release muscle knots or spasms. While similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture, dry needling primarily focuses on the musculoskeletal system and does not involve the organ system. Dry needling sessions are shorter than traditional acupuncture sessions and may use an electro-stimulation device to enhance the effects of the treatment. Dry needling can also be used during pregnancy, but it is important to consult with a doctor before undergoing any treatment.

Dry needling
cosmetic acupuncture /Chantal Milot RMT and Associates

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture, also often referred to as facial acupuncture, focuses specifically the aesthetic conditions and facial rejuvenation of the patient’s face. Like traditional acupuncture, it involves strategically inserting ultra-thin, sterilized needles into different areas of the skin of the patient’s body and face, in an aim to stimulate the patient’s blood flow and balancing their  QI  (which, when translated, means “vital energy” in Traditional Chinese Medicine).

cosmetic acupuncture has  grown increasingly popular with traditional acupuncture clients, and dermatologists and acupuncturists alike have spoken to its potential positive effects.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is an ancient alternative healing technique where cups made of glass, bamboo, earthenware, or silicone are placed on the skin to create suction. This suction can help alleviate joint or muscle pain, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, induce relaxation and well-being, or serve as a form of deep tissue massage. During a session, a therapist may use a rubber pump to create a vacuum, causing the skin to rise and turn red. Alternatively, silicone cups may be used for a massage-like effect. Although there is limited scientific evidence on the efficacy of cupping therapy, some studies suggest that it may be effective when combined with other treatments for various conditions, such as acne, herpes zoster, pain management, rheumatic diseases, and respiratory issues.

Cupping Therapy massage therapy Service at Excelsior Integrative Massage Therapy and Wellness, Toronto
Kinesio Taping Therapy

Kinesio Taping

Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for preventative maintenance, deem and to treat pain. In this type of session lasting about 15-20 minutes, an assessment will be taken, and take will be applied to alleviate of prevent pain. Corrective exercises may also be given to promote tissue strengthening or correct biomechanics which could be causing your pain.