Rhomboid trigger points: Unlocking shoulder pain relief and stability | Excelsior Integrative


About Chantal Milot

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So far Chantal Milot has created 26 blog entries.

Rhomboid trigger points: Unlocking shoulder pain relief and stability

Discover the root cause of nagging shoulder pain and stiffness between the spinal column and scapula. Explore how imbalances in the rhomboid and mid-trap muscles contribute to discomfort and learn effective treatment strategies, including soft tissue release techniques like Functional Release and Active Release Technique (ART). Find out why addressing both muscle groups is crucial for restoring shoulder stability and mobility, and how personalized assessment and rehabilitation can offer lasting relief.

Rhomboid trigger points: Unlocking shoulder pain relief and stability2024-05-01T19:07:46-04:00

Understanding the difference between a deep tissue massage and a relaxation massage

Deep tissue massage is a type of therapeutic massage that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues. It is particularly beneficial for people with chronic aches and pains - such as stiff neck, upper back, low back pain, leg muscle tightness, or sore shoulders.On the other hand, a relaxation massage is often what comes to mind when most people think about massages. It is a gentle, soothing massage that promotes relaxation and stress relief without any focus on relieving muscle stiffness or improving mobility.

Understanding the difference between a deep tissue massage and a relaxation massage2024-05-01T19:16:31-04:00

Relieving elbow pain: The benefits of massage therapy

Elbow pain can disrupt daily life and athletic endeavors. Discover how massage therapy offers natural relief by targeting affected areas and surrounding tissues. Learn about techniques like effleurage, petrissage, and trigger point release, along with self-care practices for long-term management. Find out how consistency and professional guidance can help you effectively manage elbow pain and improve overall well-being.

Relieving elbow pain: The benefits of massage therapy2024-05-01T19:22:47-04:00

Chantal Milot RMT and Associated, 3rd time Winner for the Consumer’s Choice Award!

It is with great pride and gratitude that I announce that Chantal Milot RMT and Associates has won the Consumer's Choice Award, in the Massage category for Toronto Central, for the 3rd year in a row! It is always great to feel appreciated, especially on a year where good news come seemingly scarcely! Thank you [...]

Chantal Milot RMT and Associated, 3rd time Winner for the Consumer’s Choice Award!2024-05-01T19:24:51-04:00


Chantal Milot RMT and Associates is pleased to announce that we will be re-opening our doors Monday June 1, 2020 for all in-person treatment and assessment. Vigilant infection control and social distancing will be the new normal for the time being. Below are the measures we will be implementing once we re-open: Frequent and proper [...]

WE BACK!!!2024-05-01T18:54:49-04:00

Chantal Milot RMT and Associates, listed as part of the top 10 Sports Massage Therapists in Ontario

We are pleased to announce that we have been ranked #8 on a list featuring Ontario's top Sports Massage Therapists, which considered 116 companies across all of Ontario! We couldn't be more pleased, and we'd like to thank all of our wonderful clients who make our job so amazingly fulfilling and fun to do! Thank [...]

Chantal Milot RMT and Associates, listed as part of the top 10 Sports Massage Therapists in Ontario2024-05-01T18:55:00-04:00

Chantal Milot RMT and Associates is Proud to Have Been Awarded The Consumers Choice Award for the Massage Therapy Category, for Toronto Central!

https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/463789/2019-greater-toronto-area-and-barrie-consumer-choice-award-winners We would like to thank every single one of you who have either voted or left reviews, thereby contributing to our online reputation!! It is an honour and privilege for us to have been the only Massage Therapy clinic in Toronto Central to have been awarded with this award, amongst all of these other [...]

Chantal Milot RMT and Associates is Proud to Have Been Awarded The Consumers Choice Award for the Massage Therapy Category, for Toronto Central!2019-08-03T01:00:13-04:00

Exercise and its effect on reducing back pain

It  has been estimated that eighty percent of people will experience back pain at some point during their lives. It’s one of the most common health challenges, yet many people fail to find lasting relief, even after seeking medical help. If you visit a doctor for back pain, you’re likely to receive a prescription as [...]

Exercise and its effect on reducing back pain2024-05-01T19:39:21-04:00

What is a trigger point?

A trigger point is often described as a painful nodule found in a taut band of muscle.  Trigger points can often refer pain elsewhere, limit range of motion, cause painful movement, and make a muscle weaker. It all starts with electrical impulses and chemicals reactions.  A muscle contracts when it receives a message from a [...]

What is a trigger point?2024-05-01T19:58:47-04:00

The deleterious effects of sitting on back health

You have lately heard that sitting puts more pressure on your spine than standing, and the toll on your back health is even worse if you're sitting hunched in front of a computer. Indeed, the disks in your back are meant to expand and contract as you move, which allows them to absorb blood and [...]

The deleterious effects of sitting on back health2024-05-01T20:00:26-04:00
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