Online booking update | Excelsior Integrative

Chantal Milot

About Chantal Milot

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So far Chantal Milot has created 26 blog entries.

Online booking update

We are sad to announce, that due to a disappointingly high amount of no-shows, these past few weeks, that our booking policy now requires all new clients to secure their appointments with a valid credit card. Please note that while there will be no charges until your session is completed, full charges will be applied  to [...]

Online booking update2024-05-01T20:01:40-04:00

Do you have nagging pain between your shoulders?

It’s quite common to have patients in clinic with a nasty, nagging pain that presents between the spinal column and the medial border of the scapula. There can be several reasons for this, meaning, it could be muscle tightness, muscle weakness, myofascial trigger point build up, nerve entrapments, etc. All these issues are manageable, given [...]

Do you have nagging pain between your shoulders?2024-05-01T20:04:16-04:00

How massage therapy may help fight fatigue and promote faster recovery.

It has long been suggested that massage therapy is good for us and that it can reduce our fatigue and increase our energy. While massage does not directly increase energy, it does reduce fatigue and often decreases the symptoms that sap our energy, resulting in our feeling better. Massage therapy has been shown to increase [...]

How massage therapy may help fight fatigue and promote faster recovery.2024-05-01T20:06:09-04:00

False sciatica

" False Sciatica" a.k.a "Piriformis Syndrome", refers to pain that begins in the hip and buttocks and continues all the way down the leg. This condition is often accompanied by low back pain, which can be more or less severe than the leg pain. In addition to pain, other sensations include spasms, tingling or numbness [...]

False sciatica2024-05-01T20:07:57-04:00

Do tight hip flexors correlate with weak glutes?

Lower crossed syndrome, as originally described by Vladimir Janda several decades ago, is commonly sited to describe the muscle imbalances observed with anterior pelvic tilt posture. Indeed, Janda described lower crossed syndrome to explain how certain muscle groups in the lumbopelvic area get tight, while the antagonists get weak or inhibited.  Or, as Phil Page [...]

Do tight hip flexors correlate with weak glutes?2024-05-01T20:10:20-04:00

New year, new location, new business, same name, with a discount…

Dear client, It is with great enthusiasm and excitement that I announce that as of January 15th, I will be moving my practice to 2409 Yonge street, in Suite 304 (across from BestBuy at  Yonge St and Broadway, right  next to La Vecchia, on the east side of Yonge Street.), into a clinic of my [...]

New year, new location, new business, same name, with a discount…2016-01-01T17:17:11-05:00

Incorporating massage therapy into your training and/or competition schedule

During this time of reduced activity/intensity your body is given the opportunity to repair itself, and mentally recover from all that beautifully intense training that occurred, in the preceding weeks! This recovery week would be an opportune time to pop in to see your regular massage therapist, for a few reasons:

Incorporating massage therapy into your training and/or competition schedule2024-05-01T20:13:04-04:00

Holiday Season Schedule

December 21-24 : Regular hours ( 9:00 am - 8:30 pm) December 25-27 : CLOSED December: 28-31 : Regular hours (9:00 am - 8:30 pm) Jan 1st: Happy NEW YEAR!! (but i'm closed!) Jan 2-4 : CLOSED Jan 5th: Regular hours (9:00 am - 8:30 pm) Happy Holidays  

Holiday Season Schedule2024-05-01T20:15:40-04:00

Fat loss

My mother used to say " the road to Hell is often paved with good intentions". Obviously, she meant it in a different context as the one I wish to direct it to, but I believe that the point she was trying to make, much like myself right now, is that often times, we mean [...]

Fat loss2024-05-01T20:16:28-04:00

Iliotibial band syndrome

Iliotibial band syndrome With the warmer weather finally upon us, our activity levels tend to be on the rise, which sometimes leads to a higher incidence in training injuries or repetitive strains. One of those injuries I have come across as of late is Iliotibial band syndrome. Iliotibial band syndrome results in pain on the [...]

Iliotibial band syndrome2024-05-01T20:17:27-04:00
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